
<p>I tried?</p>

i honestly regret nothing when i said that microsoft word isnt actually as hard as The Media™️ makes it out nothing.

on today’s installation of “suriya is too obsessed with tech for her own good,” I present: this. found in the words.

йea so discord is down which is prolli a sign I should go back to work but can’t be bothered discord.

i love how chatgpt answers sometimes, like srsly what is this? “…functionalities and capabilities that are inherent to a specific chatgpt.

look i know i promised tech jargon n also actually writing yume archives but i ✨can’t be bothered✨ also dam wa.

WARNING: SATIRE AHEAD. DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY. this is just a play on how people think that 550/2=225. it’s not. proof.